i saw this paper in hobby lobby a few weeks ago (it's amazing how influential cute paper is to me) and knew i had to incorporate it into our kitchen since it had all our colors. i had a few ideas but decided what to do once i came across this idea. i saw something similar online but they printed out the days of the week on the paper and then framed it...i thought it looked weird, so i decided just to buy some dry erase markers and write it all out. i LOVE how it came out and joel enjoys having something to look forward to when he comes home as far as meals go. it also keeps me on track if i feel like being lazy.
so, all you need for this is a frame, paper you like, and a dry erase marker (go to the dollar store), and voila:

OMG you really need to stop stealing all my ideas... lol jk.
i'm stealing this one...well technically it's not stealing, b/c you blogged it... so yeah. haha!
I loooove this and will be stealing this idea also!
Except mine would just say
monday- Pb & J
Tuesday- Grilled Cheese
Wed- Carrrots and cucumbers
Thursday- Cereal
Friday- Turkey Sandwich
I guess i better start cooking more... :)
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