favorite artist (he's great no matter the season). why don't i have his newest CD? i need to get on that.

i LOVE these necklaces...i think it's the stamped effect that gets me
if you know me, you know my obsession with white. i have been meaning to buy a set of white dinnerware for the longest time. simple, round, no frills, no thrills, white plates and cups. just lovely :)

pioneer woman...need i say more? i've been following her blog for a while now (thanks to sarah m for introducing us!) and her recipes are sooo good. now, she made a cookbook...could it get any better?

perfume obsession...i smelled this in a magazine a few months ago and fell in love. i don't even know how to explain it--other than perfection in a bottle.
LSU football season...i am by no means a die hard football fan (i don't even know half the rules--or care to learn), but i do love LSU. plus this year i signed up for a square on a board thing (i don't know the official term, forgive me) and i won one! i was beyond excited. :) me and joel also got to go to a game this year (first one in 3 years--thank you ashley and ernie!) and had so much fun...i might have cried a little in excitement just to be back in the stadium. it was awesome...i also might have been the only one in my section doing all the dances :) what's the saying? you can take the girl out of LSU, but you can't take the LSU out of the girl? yeah, something like that. :) i just love it!
pecan pie! i made my first one a few weeks ago, and it was quite delicious if i do say so myself. :) i'll probably be making another one this week for Thanksgiving, but we'll see how that goes...i tend to overcommit myself, so no promises!
that's it for now--i hope everyone has a great holiday! i do have a couple more posts coming...one on a cute pillow i've been working on and the other on a neat concept for the kitchen that i found! but you will have to wait until after the break. :)
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