
January 31, 2013

freebie [babysitter notes]

This printable stems from my frustration of always running out of room when I'm leaving instructions or notes for our sitter and the fact that it's never presented in an organized, easy-to-read format. (Usually because I forget to leave notes until a few minutes before the sitter walks in the door.)  And then I always remember something 10 minutes later that I forgot to include.  So I decided that I would create a notepad to do just that!

I had to add a crying baby because while Judah is normally fine when we leave the house initially, every time we come back and the second he sees us, he bursts into tears.  It's the strangest and funniest thing. You would think that he'd be excited and start bouncing to see us again.  Nope--straight to tears and cries. It really is the sweetest thing to watch though.

Click here to download

If you are like me, then you'll run to kinkos and print off a good number of these bad boys.  And I may even get them to pad it for me as well, depending on how much that is.  And yes, you can always DIY it, but these days I need a babysitter just to get around to all my half-complete projects and crafts!

Hope you enjoy!

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