well as some of you may know, i broke my foot...because i tripped...because my foot was asleep. it's pretty funny i'll admit, and i laughed at myself as i was picking myself off the floor thinking "did that really just happen?" i completely busted it in the middle of my office as i was walking from my desk...thankfully no one saw, haha. i heard a snap in my foot but was still optimistic that it wasn't more than just a strain. it wasn't until the pain set in and it looked like i had two ankles when i started to take it more seriously. i go on monday to see the orthopedic doctor who can tell me more and will either put me in a cast or walking boot. i hope the latter, but again i'm probably being optimistic again. it's more annoying than anything but joel has just been wonderful. he hasn't complained once, and if i make even the slightest moan, i look over and he's right there. granted, it has only been 4 days, but i'm very thankful for his eagerness and patience with me. i've never felt more useless, but he still somehow manages to make me feel important. who knew that a foot was so crucial to everyday life? i don't think i'll handle old age very well because it's really hard not being able to do certain things for myself. but i'm sure there is a lesson to be learned in all of this...as always. :)
anyway, i've had more time to surf the internet recently because i've had to have my foot elevated. i came across a
really cool site that ages pictures. if it's in japanese, there's an option for english at the top right. upload your pic and then it gives you this:

warning: it's highly addictive, and some pics work better than others as you can see. the more simple the pic, the better. i never really thought twice about the first pic of me in my dress looking down, but with the vintage feel added, i kind of love it now. it makes me feel like i'm from another era. i can see incorporating pics like these into frames or artwork. oh the possibilities...
love that first shot--and i know you said the headboard went to the backburner, but i saw this and thought of you..
these are portraits of the dogs and fam, but like the 5th pic down has a shot of the super cute headboard!
okay--feel better!
The pic of you looking out the window is awesome. I'll have to play around with the site.
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